
It’s Been Quiet At WP Dude

As the title suggests it has been quiet, content wise at WPDude.com for a number of weeks.  I have beem working very hard on something in the background.  I want to applogise to the reasders of this blog, normal service will be resuming over the next few days, I also want a quick chance to tell you what I have been up to.

The WordPress Owners Club Is About To Open

I am about to open the doors of my WordPress administrators training course, which I call the WordPess Owners Club.  If you want to learn how to administer your blog like a pro, this may be for you.

What is the WPOC

The WPOC is a premium section of this site where I give you detailed tutorials on the key admin activities to keep your blog up and running, these are supplemented by video screencasts of me performing those admin tasks.

Some of the things I will cover are backup and recovery, managing content, performance tuning your blog and keeping your blog safe by implementing security controls.  Check out the syllabus list on the main WordPress Owners Club page for details.

Want To Join The Club

I am opening the doors of my training course on Monday 9th November, there is an early notification email signup for the the club page.

Not For You?

This training is not for everyone, for those of you interested in my existing free blog posts, you can rest assured I will be bringing you more of that in the very near future.

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