
The WordPress 2.8 50% off Mad Sale

Mad WPDude here, and have I got a sale for you …. no cannot do it, just cannot be a US car salesman.

WordPress 2.8 Released

WordPress 2.8 has eventually been released after much too-ing and fro-ing with bug fixing and slippage in the project.  It was originally due for release last month but that date passed.  The slippage is a good thing it means bugs were spotted (and fixed) before the code was sent into the Blogosphere.

You will probably see update notifications on your dashboard right now.

What’s New in 2.8

Full details of what is new in 2.8 can be seen at http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_2.8, but my particular highlights of this update are:

  • Install theme from dashboard instead of using FTP
  • Hot key to save posts ctrl+s

What’s the sale about

I am offerning to update your site including installation of backup plugins,  taking a complete and tested backup, update, post update testing and rollback if required for one hour instead of my usual two that I would quote for this job.

If you want me to upgrade your site to WordPress 2.8, drop me a line from ibraininc.com/hire-wpdude quoting Crazy WPDudes Sale, or just say please update my site, whatever you are more comfortable with.

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