
WordPress Performance Tuning Workshop

I am planning to run  a workshop to show people how to performance tune their WordPress blog.

If you want to improve the speed of your site or protect it from the dreaded slashdot effect then this is the workshop for you.


I will be making this available as a members only section of my site so you can watch the videos and read the content at your own pace

What’s The Format

I will deliver the workshop as a webinar using Gotomeeting.com It will be part presentation part live demonstration of me tuning a blog.  There will be ample time to ask questions throughout the session.

I will save the webinar as a screencast video and make it available for download after the event so you can refresh your memory when you come to tune your own blog.

The topics I am planning to cover are:

  • Finding the bottlenecks
  • Tuning plugins
  • Tuning Themes
  • WordPress cache plugins
  • MYSQL Query Cache

Limited Seats

I can only take 15 people on the workshop. This is not an internet marketers statement to create a false sense of scarcity, rather it is the limit of seats the software can offer.  So first come first served I’m afraid.

If I get a good response to this workshop I will run multiple sessions at different times for different timezones.


This is the wrong time of year to be planning a live event with the holiday season about to descend upon us,  with this in mind I have created a survey below, if the majority of you want the session before chritsmas I will arrange it, otherwise it will be in the first week of the new year.


The session will cost $77 for that you will receive the live training, a recording of the event and follow up support via email when you come to tune your own site.

Early Notification list

Help me to find the best time to run the event by completing the survey below and I will give you a priority notification when I take bookings :

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