
7 Reasons To Leave Blog Comments

Photo By Tim Morgan
Photo By Tim Morgan

Consistently leaving high quality comments on other blogs is a great way to market and grow your own blog (and your personal brand). Here is my list of seven reasons why I think you should make commenting part of your blog development strategy:

1.) Link Building

As long as the blogger has not set nofollow tags on their comments, every little nugget you leave will be a link to your blog which will help with your SEO efforts.  The theory goes build as many links as possible from high quality sources and your SEO will improve.

2.) Attract Attention

If you are leaving comments on a bigger more established blog, there is a very good chance you will attract the attention of the blogger. Use this exposure to pitch guest post ideas, or gain attention by the blogger posting about one of your articles

3.) Disagree or Add to the Post

If you are able to disagree or add to a post, this will increase yoru profile as a subject matter expert. Adding quality comments arguing against or extending the origional post.

I would add one thing to this, and that is be nice, coming across as a troll when you attack someone you disagree with is weak and pathetic, bring someone round to your side of teh argument with quality analysis no name calling.

4) Extending the Converstation

leaving comments extends the converstation, it helps to build a community on yourfavourite blog, and if you are conversing a lot, your profile can onlyy increase.

5.) Give The  Blogger Some Support

When a blog is new, it feels like you are posting into a void, no-one is leaving comments or giving you feedback.  If you come across a new blog give them a little boost by leaving them a comment, tell them you like their work and give supprot on their posts.,  Be nice youre-karma can only increase.

6.) Increase your Profile

I have already touched on the fact that commenting can increase your profile, the mechanics of this depend upon your chosen blog to comment upon, selecting high profile blogs in your niche, and adding valuable content can increase your profile to the readers of that blog, who in turn may visit your own blog and hopefully become one of your readers.

7.) Make New Friends

Lastly, leaving a comment is just like saying hello in the real world, it can be the start of a beautiful new realtionship, say hello today instead of skulking in the background.

Wrap Up

Add copious comments, DO NOT just say “nice post” that is sooo lame,  and it is obvious to everyone reading the comments that you are link building, add value, be useful and have a converstation.

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