
Plugin Review: Activity Log

Do you need an activity log for your WordPress site?

Are weird things happening on your website?

Are things changing, but you never did anything?

Is someone messing with your sites config?

A great tool to monitor what is happening on your site is a plugin called Activity Log.


What It Does

It captures all activity on your site.  New posts, edits, starting and stopping plugins etc etc.

It records the time and date, what happened, the user that made the activity and the IP address.  The IP address can be used to pinpoint the location of the user geographically if weird things are happening.

It saves this data to your dashboard so you can review what is happening.


See the plugin in action.

When I’ve Used This Plugin

  • Hacks – I use this plugin when fixing hacked sites to monitor for the hackers getting back in
  • Multi user / admin sites – if there are multiple people editing or “admining” a site it is useful to know who did what./
  • Cover My Arse – This is a great fix for the you touched it last syndrome, using activity log you can see exactly who did what and when.
  • Bizzare plugin activity – one client was having their blog posts edited and no-one knew why, we found that an editorial calendar plugin was making changes


There are a number of options for this plugin, the first is how much data to keep, this log will get large so having unlimited logging in place is a bad idea, the default is to keep 30 days.

There is a notification engine where you can set email alerts when certain things happen, for example if you are monitoring when a user logs in, you can setup a

Wrap Up – Activity Log

If you need to monitor who is doing what and when on your site check out Activity Log https://wordpress.org/plugins/aryo-activity-log/

Photo Credit: Kevan Flickr via Compfight cc

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