
How To Recover Access To WordPress When You Are Locked Out

How To Recover Access To WordPress When You Are Locked Out

How To Recover Access To WordPress When You Are Locked Out

Case Study: How To Recover Access To WordPress When You Are Locked Out One of my maintenance clients came to me with a problem.  He works for a company that has recently let their IT person go.  In this post I’ll teach you how to recover access to WordPress when yo are locked out. The login details for WordPress and Bluehost were handed over, but when my client’s team tried to login they could not. They did not have access to the password recovery email, they did not know the passwords they were completely locked out. Recovering Bluehost Access I […]

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Case Study: How To Make An App For A WordPress Website

I’ve just completed a client project where I built an app from a client’s WordPress site, in this case study I will show you how to make an app for a WordPress website. My client runs the website skopemag.com and he wanted an app for his audience.  His tag line says “Diverse Music Media For The Digital Age” and has has a wide range of stories about new music. His site (and now the app) is a multi media combination of news stories, video and of course audio files for the new music he features. His content is an ideal […]

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How To Monitor your WordPress Site For Uptime

The primary job of your website is to sell your products or services to potential customer or clients. The secondary job of your site is to educate people with your content, none of these can be done when your site is down, in this post I will teach you how to monitor your WordPress site for uptime. People should not be contacting you saying your site is down, you should be the first to know, the first to react What Is Uptime? Uptime is a measure of the availability of your website for customers / clients to browse and engage […]

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Centralising All Communication

One of the things I have been working on, as my agency grows, is centralising all communication into one place. Information needs to be shared and passed between team members, so it is crucial to have all that information in one place. In this post I want to talk about the tools and techniques we use at WP Dude to mange our client projects and maintenance communication from one place. Private Silos Before I made these changes, communication was going into what I called a private silo, or a place only one recipient could access it.  These include: personal email […]

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Store Backups Offsite

Why We Store Backups Offsite & Why You Should Too

We store our maintenance clients’ backups in secure offsite cloud storage, in this post I want to explain why we store backups offsite and why you should too. The Problem That Makes Us Store offsite A lot of the backup plugins available take a backup and then create an archive in the wp-content directory.  The backup is stored in the same place as your website. If the disk your website is stored on crashes, the archive is gone and you cannot recover. If some mischievous hackers gets in and plans to deface your site and spots your backup archives, guess […]

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Getting Out Of My Own Way

As my agency grows at WP Dude, I’m finding I have to get out of my own way a lot. We have too many moving parts for me to touch everything that comes through my business. It’s like a plate juggling act, if I try to control everything eventually plates will begin to drop and smash on the floor. I’ve recruited a team who can deliver, so I need to pass the work onto them and trust them to get things done without me having to be part of the process. My Inner Control Freak At first the inner control […]

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