
Ask WP Dude (beta) E-Coaching

Many of you will be aware that I offer one on one WordPress coaching session.  I deliver my coaching via a shared screen over the internet and I show people how to solve their WordPress problems.

My problem is that I am based in the wrong time-zone for the majority of my coaching clients, so I cannot book as many coaching sessions as I would like.

I am therefore trialing an e-coaching program which I call Ask WP Dude.  This will allow me to provide a coaching service to a much wider audience by conducting the coaching via email.

How It Works

Tell me your burning WordPress problem and I will teach you how to solve that problem with coaching emails.

The emails will contain descriptions, screen shots and perhaps video how to tutorials to take you through your problem.

The system is designed for people who want to learn more about WordPress, but need a little hand holding.

What’s With The Beta

I’m want to work out all of the bugs in the system before I go live (that means charge for the service).

While it is still in beta, all coaching is free, but please be aware it is a beta test and there may be some delays in getting your coaching reply back to you.

Give It A Go

Pop over to Ask WP Dude and ask me your burning WordPress problem.

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