
Build Your Own Custom Theme: Hello Headway Course

Jonathan and Lea Woodward are running a five day course to teach people how to build a custom WordPress theme using Headway.  If you have always wanted a custom look and feel for your site but cannot afford a custom design costing several thousand dollars this course is for you.

Who Are Jonathan and Lea?

I’ve worked with this dynamic duo on a number of projects as client, as their contractor and as business partner on a couple of joint ventures and they are a great team, Jonathan is a design guru ( he did the custom design for my site) and Lea is a marketing and tech side of the partnership.

Between them they have an excellent set of skills which makes this course sound so interesting.

Why A Custom Theme

Headway is the theme framework I use for all of my sites and clients sites, it allows you to create a custom theme using drag and drop designer.  You get a custom look and feel without the need for coding skills, this course will teach you how to do that.

I Was Looking Into This Option

I was planning to build my own Headway course like this but I felt I lacked the design skills to pull it off, I’ve shelved that idea and now I’m going to direct everyone to Jonathan and Lea’s course if they want to learn Headway.  Jonathan’s design skills and Lea’s tech coaching skills will make this a great course.

What On Offer

A five day live training course which will step you through the process of building a custom theme with headway. I’ve swiped this copy from their sign-up page

Day 1: Today we’ll be making sure your site structure is “just so” with the right pages, basic page designs and layouts all set up and ready to style on day 2. We’ll be making sure you have WordPress configured for maximum effect and installing any additional plug-ins which will really power up your site. And of course, we’ll be formally introducing you to Headway :)

Day 2: Today we’ll dive right in and learn how to apply your site colours and the design to your site, including how to style all the text on your site and use custom fonts to really give your site some personality.

Day 3: Today we’ll show you how to set up custom page layouts with Headway – you’ll learn how to set up your pages exactly how you want them (yes, each page could be completely different if you wanted it to be), including stuff like pages with no headers or navigation bars (ideal for landing pages), pages with several columns, pages with a different sidebar on each page and more.

Day 4: Today we’ll be showing you how to add and style the content and other bells & whistles on your site such as sidebar widgets, footers, sign-up boxes and more to get your site exactly how you want it.

Day 5: Today it’s all about making the final tweaks and learning some nifty tricks and advanced skills to help you take your Headway powers to the next level.

Book Your Slot

To get more details about the course including times/dates and cost visit their Hello Headway Page (affiliate link)

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