
Why WordPress Is Getting Picky About PHP Versions

Why WordPress Is Getting Picky About PHP Versions

Why WordPress Is Getting Picky About PHP Versions

Have you noticed a prompt on your WordPress dashboard about the version of PHP you are running?  In this post I want to talk about why WordPress is getting picky about php versions. Here’s a screen shot of the nag I’m talking about.   Not seeing this nag, then move along, these are not the droids you are looking for. What Is PHP? TLDR: It’s the underlying scripting language that WordPress is built upon I’ve grabbed this description from the official php scripting language page PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is […]

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do you automate client onboarding

Do You Automate Client Onboarding?

Do you automate client onboarding? When a new client or customers signs up for your service or product, do you send out a series of updates to that new client on how to get the best out your offering? For a long time this was on my to-do list, the resistance was working against me and I put it on my nice to do some day list. What Is Client Onboarding? Your client has sent in a request for a quote or signed up for a free trial, what happens next? They are keen to work with you but often […]

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How To Customise Your WooCommerce Checkout Fields

How To Customise Your WooCommerce Checkout Fields

In this video I talk about how to customise your WooCommerce checkout fields.  These are the pieces of information collected on your WooCommerce checkout page. If like me you sell virtual products, all of the physical delivery details are not required and may add to cart abandonment.  I suggest you trim the fields that are not required on your checkout. Video Notes Past the following code in the theme functions file, go to appearance -> editor and open functions.php. You can remove some of the field exclusions if you want to keep them in add_filter( ‘woocommerce_checkout_fields’ , ‘nm_simplify_checkout_virtual’ ); function nm_simplify_checkout_virtual( […]

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Case Study: Password Protected Podcast

In this video walk-through I’ll take you through a password protected podcast setup I created for a client in WordPress. The site is Qiological.com owned by Michael Max Plugins / Extensions Used Here is a list of the plugins / extensions used in this project. WooCommerce WooCommerce Subscriptions WooCommerce Membership PowerPress Photo Credit: seefit Flickr via Compfight cc Wrap Up – Password Protected Podcast If you need  help building a Password Protected Podcast get a quote

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Give Away The What And Charge For The How To

I’ve been using a marketing technique for many years, where I give away the “what” and charge for the “how to”. Using marketing content I’ll teach people the “what” and I’ll sell services or training to give the “how to”. Marketing content can be your blog posts, your YouTube videos or your free downloadable e-book. Then charge for the how to;  the technical implementation, details on how to do the “thing”. The “What” Shows You Are An Expert When you can articulate how something works with the “what” free content you are showing yourself as a subject matter expert. You […]

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Sometimes YOU Need To Be YOUR Own Client

Once you have been working as a client service Freelancer for some time, you reach a point where you have a full roster of clients and things are rolling along nicely. A byproduct of your success is that you get less and less time to work on your own internal projects.  In this post I want to suggest that sometimes you should be setting aside time for your internal projects as if you were your own client. “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion” – Parkinson’s Law Parkinson’s law says work expands to fit the time, if […]

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