

This is a guest post by Kevin Gao from Comm100, see Kevin’s Bio at the bottom of this post

One of the first things many people do when starting up a new WordPress website is to begin building a communication channel with web visitors. This almost always involves putting a generic contact form on a “Contact Us” page. Indeed, contact form is an effective way of letting your web visitors keep in touch with you, but there are also other options available to WordPress powered websites such as live chat plugin.

What is Live Chat Plugin?

Live chat plugin, as the name suggests is a plugin that embeds live chat feature into your WordPress powered websites. By adding a live chat plugin, you can keep connected with web visitors and offer real time assistance to them. Whatever your WordPress powered website is, a commercial site or a personal blog, there is a good chance that your website can be enhanced by live chat plugin. Here I’ll take  Comm100 Live Chat WordPress Plugin as an example to explain how live chat plugin can benefit your blog or online business.

  1. Reach Your Visitors in a Timely Manner With Comm100 Live Chat, your visitors can start a chat with you immediately and they don’t need to provide their emails or any other details as when filling in contact forms to connect with you. Even when you are offline, your visitors can leave messages and these messages can be directly delivered to your inbox. For a business website, this can help you improve you conversion and customer satisfaction. And for personal bloggers, the ability to make it easier for your readers to reach out can strengthen your relationships with them and enhance the personal aspect of your website.
  2. Track Your Visitors in Real Time Along with providing live support to your web visitors, Comm100 Live Chat also keeps you updated about your web visitors’ footprints and activities. You can see where your web visitors come from, what they are viewing currently, how long they have stayed on your website, what keywords they use, how many times they have come and many more. This can give personal bloggers a bird’s-eye-view of the blog readers. As for online businesses, you can easily have an insight of what your web visitors are interested in and identify your potential customers, thus formulating your marketing campaigns and carving your offers in a better way to win more customers.
  3. Invite Your Visitors Proactively Instead of re-actively waiting for web visitors to connect with you, proactive invitation allows personal bloggers to engage readers proactively to exchange thoughts and ideas, exploring ways of improving blogs. This feature is especially useful for
    online businesses as you can not only spot the best prospects, but also have the ability to actively reach out to them. For example, when you notice your web visitors have been on a certain page for a while without taking any action, chances are they
    are interested in your products on the page or need help with something. If you can get them into a live chat, you will have a great opportunity to turn them into your customers. To make things easier, the invitation can be done automatically
    based on rules you predefine. There are a lot of parameters such as visit times, referring page, search keywords etc. available for you to design your invitation program based on your own needs. By far, the most important practice of proactive invitation is to treat it like a science ¨C to test a wide variety of implementations, make changes, and continue measuring.

Wrap it up:

Live chat plugin can be an alternative to engage your web visitors beyond the traditional emails and contact forms. Whether you are a personal blogger looking to connect with your audience or a business owner using WordPress to build your website, live chat plugin should be able to help you.

Author Bio:

Kevin Gao is the founder and CEO of Comm100, a leading provider of live chat software for business. As a software developer as well as a small business expert, he’s always ambitious to revolutionize the way of online customer service and communication.

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