
[VIDEO] Fixing Google Page Speed Insights Issues

Google page speed insights

If you visit Google page speed insights, you will be shown a page speed load score and a series of solutions to make your site load more quickly.

This video tutorial will show you how to fix the common issues returned.

Why Speed Up Your Site?

Google has stated that page load time is one of the metrics it uses to rank your site.  Their studies have shown that people abandon slow sites more often than quickly loading sites.

It is a good idea to keep your site visitors and Google happy by making your site load as quickly as possible.

What Is Google Page Speed Insights

This is a tool provided by Google to analyse the way your site loads and where there are problems.

More importantly it gives us a clue to bottlenecks, this video shows how to fix them.

How Can We Fix The Issues

In the video I will show you how to fix the most common page load speed issue.

We will be installing a number of plugins and tuning page load speed.

Video – Fixing Common Performance Problems

Wrap Up

Here are the plugins we used and the URLs mentioned in the video:

Google page speed insights – https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights

w3-total-cache –  https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/

WP Smush – https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/

Scripts to Footer – https://wordpress.org/plugins/scripts-to-footerphp/

If you need help optimising your site for speed, we have a fixed price performance tuning package, please check out our WordPress technical support page to get a no obligation quote.

Photo Credit: Tilemahos Efthimiadis via Compfight cc

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