
Get A Mobile Ready Review

I’m providing a new service to WordPress site owners to review and make their sites mobile ready.

Why You Need To Be Mobile Ready

The rise of the tablet and mobile phones that provide internet access has changed the way many people consume content from WordPress sites.   The idea of the the “lean back” device where people can comfortably read and enjoy content from a hand held device

A quick review of your analytics data will show you the type of devices that people are using to connect to your site with. The problem is that that standard WordPress theme is not appropriate for the cut down screens of these devices.

All the hard work and design you put into your theme is wasted for people on these device, they want a fat -free easy to use version of your site that is optimised for a 3-4 inch screen.

Don’t believe me, go to this site and type in your domain name http://iphone4simulator.com/ to see the experience you are giving mobile device users.

My Mobile Ready Service

Many other site owners are providing a poor mobile experience to their site visitors so I decided to create a packaged deal to make people’s WordPress sites mobile ready.


If you sign up for my mobile ready review you will get the following

  • Mobile ready theme that detects users device and shows a reduced version of your site
  • Customisation of the theme to match your site and highlight your call to action
  • Review of your content to ensure it is mobile ready; video, images, text etc
  • Review of plugins in use to ensure they are mobile ready

At the end of the project you will have a mobile ready site and a report on my findings and fixes.

My Example

I review my own analytics data and saw that a lot of people were reading my content from tablets and mobile devices.  A review of my site from my iPhone showed it was very difficult to navigate and find things.

I immediately made changes to my site and implemented a mobile theme.  This detects the device people are using and shows a cut down view to people on mobile phones or tablets.

I’ve made a short video to show you what my site looks like on mobile devices.

[leadplayer_vid id=”509CE4518AE60″]

What It Costs

My mobile ready review costs $99.00.  For that price you get a mobile ready site and a complete review of your content and plugins.

Book Your Review Now

To book a mobile review complete the form below and I will be in touch to start the project.

[gravityform id=”87″ name=”WordPress Helpdesk Request – mobile ready” title=”false” description=”false”]

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