
Survey: How To Create a Custom Theme?

I would appreciate a couple of minutes of your time to complete this survey about creating custom themes.

I am considering a group coaching project to take a number of people through the process of creating a custom theme for their WordPress site.  I want to judge the need for this project.

My idea is to step through the design process, and to take that design and make it a complete custom design building upon the headway theme framework on my development server.  The last part of this process is to export the new custom theme to your live site.

The process will be group coaching sessions with me (and maybe some others) and access to a development area on my site to build your custom theme in a safe location where you cannot impact your live site.  I will make myself available to support your development thoughout the process so at the end of the sessions you have your own custom designed blog themes.

My current thinking is a six week process of coaching and development.  My rough outline of the  sessions will be:

  1. Design Process
  2. Introduction to headway
  3. Implementing Your Design
  4. Custom CSS Coding – introduction
  5. Custom CSS Coding – the next level
  6. Testing your theme and making it live

Please complete the survey below and let me know what you think.

[gravityform id=13 ]

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