
Introducing Neil-Matthews.com

In my post building a digital career, I hinted at the fact that I was planning on building a new site on the domain name neil-matthews.com, I’ve pulled off the wrappers off that site and I would like to announce it here first.

What Neil-Matthews.com is about

I’m going to be writing all about the idea of a digital persona on neil-matthews.com, a topic that doesn’t really sit that well on a WordPress site so I have branched my writing off onto another site to allow me to write about WordPress here and a wider range of online topics at neil-matthews.com

What Is A DP

I’ve created a sticky post explaining what I think this is on the home page of Neil-Matthews.com but in brief I think of it as your online presence.

It is part technical; your website config, hosting provider, your email list setup etc, and it is part content, the blog posts you write, the email newsletter you send out and the products and service you may or may not supply within that persona.

The point is, I truly belive that people should be investing time building a DP so they can work effectively online in the future.  The contents of your DP will help people to know like and trust you, help to build your authority and develop whatever business(es) you want inside of your DP. Using online tools you can build a career and support yourself in an unconventional manner outside of the traditional employment setup.  I’ve been doing this for years and I truly believe it is the components of my digital persona that allow me to work like this.

I’ve seen people build amazing digital careers working online, but only if their DP is in place and configure correctly. That is what I will be writing about and that will be the focus of the services and products I will produce at n-m.com

What Does That Mean to WPDude.com

Nothing really, I consider ibraininc.com to be one of the assets in my digital portfolio, read Adding Assets to Your Digital Persona for more details.  I will be running ibraininc.com as normal, I will still  be supplying WordPress technical support services and blogging here, I’m just creating additional streams of work outside of the WPDude brand to work on none WordPress projects.

I’ve wanted to work under my own name for some time and to write on topics outside of WordPress, this site will give me that forum.  I’m going to be 40 on the 25th February and I just don’t feel like a dude anymore 🙂

Come On Over

I don’t expect this to be for everyone reading ibraininc.com, which is fine,  that’s why I’m splitting the steams, but I would like to think it would appeal to many of you, so I hope to see you over there.

Neil of ibraininc.com and neil-matthews.com

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