
It’s Not Just Backups and Updates …

As we have developed our maintenance service WP Insure we have added some additional features that are pretty hard to describe in sales copy.

Over and above our maintenance services of backup, updates, monitoring and security we also offer little support jobs we call tweaks.

Our clients will call in support for a tweak usually when something goes wrong with their site.  In this post I want to talk about the hard to describe feature of our plan.

The Tweakmeister

There is a dedicated member of the team at WP Dude (John) who looks after tweaks for our client sites.  If anything goes wrong or you need help it’s probably him you will be dealing with.

Clients get access to a members only help desk where they can send in their issues.  They send the tweak into that and we take care of it.

Example Tweaks

Here is a short list of the kind of things we will do for our clients.

Memory Full – we’ve been called in when memory capacity is exceeded when new plugins are added or the site becomes busier, we will update memory settings to make more available to WordPress

.htaccess issues – .htaccess is a configuration files that is used by WordPress in a number of ways, it holds permalink details, redirection details, cache plugin details, the list goes on, we are at hand to make changes to this file

Email Consulting  – sometimes our clients want to know what is the best way to do “X” on a WordPress site, we act as consultants via email to our clients.  We’ve worked on thousands of WordPress sites and have probably done what you want to do on other sites.

Hack Recovery – we have recovered hacked client sites before.

Database Optimisation – many site owners are not aware they need to optimize their WordPress database on a regular basis,  tables fill up , junk gets left over from unused plugins, it’s good practise to spring clean your database regularly, we do this as a matter of course.

Crash Recovery  if your site goes down we will recover it.  Nothing more to say on that point.

Plugin Install and Config – We’ve helped clients with troublesome plugin installs.  This tends to be complex plugins such as e-commerce or multi language plugins.

Premium Theme installs  – the call usually sounds something like “I just bought a new theme and installed it and it looks nothing like the demo”.  We are available to wade through the documentation, find out about short codes and custom post types to make your site look like the one on the advert.

Hosting migration – We’ve already got the tools in place to clone your site to a new hosting company if you are our maintenance client.

Backup Restores – Should anything go wrong and you need to roll back to an earlier point in time, we can do it with one click.

Weird PHP errors – Once we get into trouble shooting PHP ( the scripting language used by WordPress), most site owners don’t want to know, we will look into the issues, be it file upload size too small, headers already sent errors, just send it to the help desk.

Plugins broken after updates – Sadly this is a fairly frequent issue, WordPress is updated but the plugin is not and it breaks, we roll back updates, work with plugin developers to find solutions or install alternative plugins that do the same job but work.

Theme tweaks  – want to change the colours, use a snazzy new font, we are the team to tweak your CSS file of your theme.

Training – In the same vein as email consulting we also create small training videos for our clients to show them how to so that thing they need to do, We record screencasts using Jing and send them over to clients.

Script Integrations – we’ve linked up WordPress sites with third party scripts such as Facebook, Pinterest, Zapier and Google Analytics.

The list goes on – just ask we can probably do it for you (the not so small print we don’t do custom theme development, custom plugin development or graphic design as part of the maintenance plan).

Outsource Your Technical Hassles

When you sign up for our maintenance plan you are getting access to a team of WordPress experts.  Outsource the worry of maintaining and supporting your site to us. Concentrate on the real work of building your business.

Wrap Up

Our maintenance service is not just backups and updates it is support when things go wrong, or just when it gets too technical for non-techie site owners we are there.

If you are looking for hassle free technical support for your WordPress site, then we are the team, for full details and a 30 day free trial check out our maintenance service WP Insure.

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