
Keep Up Content Marketing When On Vacation

As you read this I’m on a few days holiday with my family, but I want to keep up my content marketing when on vacation.

Consistency in content marketing is key, I wanted to keep posting while I was away but didn’t want to take time out of my break to actually write a post.  So back on Februrary 11th I wrote this post and scheduled it’s publication and marketing for the 16th, here is how I did it.

Scheduled Posts

Instead of just publishing a post there is also an option to schedule the publication at a date and time in the future.


Once you have set a future date and time for publication and click publish, the post is not made live there and then, it is marked as scheduled.


Marketing Your Future Post

Publishing a post is not the only thing you can do in the past, you can also schedule your post promotion.  I promote in three ways

  • An email to my subscribers
  • A couple of tweets
  • An update on my Facebook page


In mailchimp I create a campaign each week with a small overview of the post I have written and send it out to my list to promote my posts.

Mailchimp has a very useful feature where I can schedule the send of the campaign, I set it for the 16th at 3pm, a couple of hours after the actual publication.


Social Media

I put a link on my social feeds when I publish a new post, I work with Twitter and Facebook WPDude page.

I use a tool called Hootsuite for social updates, and one of it’s tools is a schedule tweet/post.


Wrap Up – Content Marketing When On Vacation

You don’ have to be present to publish a blog post, a little bit of preparation and your content marketing can continue even when you are away.

It’s lovely where we are, wish you were here.

Photo Credit: Accidental Hedonist via Compfight cc

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