
A New Look For WP Dude.com

I’ve just completed the rebrand of my site with a brand new shiny custom designed theme.  If you are reading this via RSS, come on over and take a look.

Why The Change?

I have been running a custom version of the Headway theme for some time, but it was designed by me and looked exactly what it was an amateurs attempt to create a custom theme, not very slick, and miles of text on a green page.

I’m making some business changes so I needed a new theme to match my business, so I bit the bullet and made a re-design.

Service Changes

I’ve changed my service offering too, I’m moving away from the implementation type work I have done in the past to focus on my coaching, consulting and training services.  I needed a more prominent way to market these services and products, this is the major reason for the design.

You will see from the home page, I have three main offering, they are:

Coaching – one on one session where I show you how to solve your WordPress problems using screen sharing technology.

Group Caoaching – this is my new offering, soon to open, this will be a combination of members only site, video tutorials, email access to me and live coaching via webinars.

Information Products – I will creating a series of self paced training tutorials, and making them available in my new store page.

Bring In A Pro

If you want a quality look and feel I think you need to bring in a professional I did just that.  I hired Jonathan Woodward to create a new design for me.

This was an eye opening process, I’ve never commissioned any design work before, luckily Jonathan has worked with many noobs like me, and he has a very thorough design brief process, and very professional over my little melt down when I asked for a change, I thouigh was minor but in fact required additional art work design (you live and learn).

Implemented By Another Pro

I cannot be complexly hands off in my new design, I took Jonathan’s design and I did the implementation in Headway (version 2 BTW, it’s excellent) I’m very pleased with my site, even if I say so myself.

It may look simple, but there is a lot of custom coding and integration to get a look like this.

Email Freebie.

I’ve also created a downloadable freebie to entice you to join my email list, and that is some free video coaching called the Seven Step WordPress Security Audit.  I will show you how to close down the seven most common security loopholes in WordPress.  Just pop your email address in the forms provided and you can get the download.

Tell Me What You Think

I would love to hear what you think about the new design, and my planned new services offerings.

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