
My New Service Packages

UPDATE: I’ve caused a ton of confusion with this page and I have taken it down while I re-write the copy

As a complement to my by the hour services that I have been offering for a number of years, I have decided to build a number of packaged solutions to help solve a number of common WordPress issues

If you check out my new services page you can see what I plan to offer as well as my by the hour support.

I’m going to do mini launches of each new service so as not to overwhelm people, this week it’s my WordPress site review service

What Is A WordPress Site Review

This is where I gain access to your site and review how you have configured WordPress.  Because WordPress is so complex and big, many people are unsure if they are using WordPress to the optimum level, I check over their config and produce a report recommending any changes I see.

The review covers the following areas

  • Your Theme – how is is configured, and what is it telling your site visitors, is your call to action being displayed.
  • Your Plugins – Are you using the best plugins to support your site and business.
  • Your Security – Is Your site secure and safe from hackers.
  • Your SEO – Will you attract the maximum number of search engine visitors due to your SEO configuration.
  • Your Site Speed – Site visitors and search engines are turned off my slow loading sites, can you WordPress install be faster.
  • Your On-Going maintenance – are you maintaining and keeping your site up to date.
  • And more – any other issues I find will also be highlighted.

Want More Details?

If you want more details or would like to book a review please visit my WordPress site review page.

Coming Next

The WordPress security review, keep the hackers out of your site

Image by massagetherapyfoundation

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