
No More One to One Consulting

About three months ago I stopped offering one-on-one hourly WordPress coaching services so I could concentrate on building up my team of “techies” to help service the wordpress technical support side of my business.

I was not happy about this, I love working one on one with people like this,  but I needed to concentrate on building that side of my business.

Now that I have built my team and it is running very smoothly I am re-opening the coaching side of my business, but with a difference.

I will no longer be offering hourly consulting instead I’ll be working with a small handful of people (six to be exact) for six months at a time

I will do everything in my power to help you build a top class WordPress site or improve your existing one.

I know this might not be the right coaching model for everyone, but it definitely makes more sense for me.  I can still manage the technical support side of my business whilst providing a top class coaching service to those who need it.

Anyway, if you’re potentially interested in snagging one of the six spots now then email me at neil@ibraininc.com and I’ll send you more information.

I look forward to working with you

Neil Matthews

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