
Plugin Quality Control

plugin quality control

How can you know if that new plugin you are about to install is of a high quality? How can you setup some kind of plugin quality control process to ensure all new plugins that are added to your site won’t break things?

In this video post I’ll show you how to check the quality of any plugins you are about to use.

Anyone can create a plugin an upload it to the WordPress plugin, there are approval processes but there is no rigorous checking of the codes compatibility with themes and other plugins, so sadly it’s a very common thing that I see that a plugin will crash a site.

Use the techniques in my video to create some plugin quality control.


The Process

  • Install from the WordPress dashboard, their search rules out a lot of plugins that are not being actively developed.
  • Visit the plugin page on WordPress.org to get a full list of stats.
  • Check last update to ensure the plugin is actively developed, plugins not actively developed can hold vulnerabilities or bugs.
  • Check the plugin is tested to your version of WordPress, check the plugin is compatible with your version if you are using an older version of WordPress.
  • Review the ratings avoid all 5 stars and lots of 1 & 2 stars. Look at the reviews to see what people are complaining about.
  • Look at the support forum ensure the plugin developer is actively engaging in support, avoid plugins where there are zero replies.

Links Mentioned

WordPress Plugin submission guide

Contact form 7 Plugin Page

Wrap Up – Plugin Quality Control

Plugins clash with themes, and other plugins all the time, installing the wrong plugin will bring your site down and end up with you visiting this page to ask me for help.

Do yourself a favour and do some plugin quality control before you click that install button.

Photo Credit: classroomcamera Flickr via Compfight cc

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