
The Power Of The Case Study

I love writing case study style blog posts for my business. They are a great way to provide great value to people through helpful content whilst at the same time marketing your business with some great under the radar techniques that don’t come across as pushy sales tactics.  let me tell you about The Power Of The  Case Study

How I Do Case Studies

I will highlight a particular problem a client has had and write a detailed study on how I fixed it.

My aim is to provide information about my services and a fix to people searching for solutions to their own problems.

Sounds simple but the elegance of the marketing underneath it is often missed.

The Marketing Begins

This is where content meets marketing and stealth selling begins. Not in a sleazy yellow highlighter stylie but in a useful way that can help people to solve their problems.

It Proves I Can Do X

I have performed service X for a client, then I write up a detailed report on how to implement X.

This is definite proof that I have the technical skills to do X and possibly the related task Y that may be in a clients mind.

Social Proof

By writing a case study I am providing social proof about my services.  It lets people know:

  • People have hired me.
  • People trust me
  • People consider me an expert at performing that service.
  • They can see how I work and that I won’t be a nightmare contractor

Assume The Role of Authority

Authority is too often bandied about in my opinion, but the ability to write a decent post about a subject, highlighting how you accomplished a solution will setup you up as an authority or content area specialists in the minds of your reader.

If you can confidently supply a solution in a blog post it means you can definitely supply that solution to a client.

Don’t Be A Douche

It’s very easy to write up a false case study based on the premise of “This is how I would do it if I had any clients” people will see through it.

Write from experience and real client interactions.

Doesn’t This Prevent People Hiring You?

The argument goes, if I open the Kimono won’t everyone then have the solution and not hire me.  In short no.  People will hire me because

a) They don’t like the look of the effort required to implement the solution from the case study. Perhaps it is too technical or they don’t have the confidence to do it themselves.

b) Are too busy to implement the solution.

c) It’s not something they can do themselves, if an acupuncturist provides a case study on healing migraine by sticking needles in points a -z, you are not rushing to your sewing kit.

Either way people see that I can provide solution X for them and hire me to do it.

Wrap Up – Power Of The Case Study

Get some case studies of the work you have done for your clients and see it turn into business.  It’s great none pushy and helpful marketing.

I’m always interested in writing posts about blogging, not just posts about WordPress technical stuff.  If you want more content like this leave me a comment and I’ll publish more about marketing with your blog.

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My keyword density is down so the power of the case study

Photo Credit: etharooni via Compfight cc

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