
Retainer Packages Available

I’m often asked if I offer monthly retainer packages, and the answer is yes I do.

I’ve never had a formal page detailing my retainer packages so I’m going to write one up first as a blog post then move it over to a full time page.

What Is A Retainer Package

It’s when you have an on-going requirement for WordPress development and  support and would like to retain my services for a prolonged period of time.

I’ll set aside X hours for you per month and you pay a recurring invoice for that number of hours each month until your project is completed.  Tell me how many hours you need and we can setup a recurring payment.

I Offer This On A Limited Basis

I only book about 30% of my time out to retainer clients so I have time to manage my team, grow my business and take on one off projects too.

I limit myself to five retainer clients per month.  I have two slots currently available.

What Do you Get As  A Retainer Client

I offer the following benefits to my retainer clients:

  • Discounted rates – because you are buying my time in bulk I offer a discounted rate.
  • Priority On Your Projects – I’ll set aside time for your project.
  • Direct Access to project updates on Basecamp  – I will give you your own secure area on my project management tool where you can send me tasks to do on your site, this will also be the central place all updates will be stored.
  • Access to a timesheet to check on your available hours – I’ll give you a link to my Freshbooks account so you can see what I have been working on and how many hours you have left on your retainer.
  • Free Maintenance And Updates – all my retainer client also get free access to my maintence service.  My team will backup your site, monitor and maintain security.  Update WordPress and any plugins as updates become due and give you a weekly report.  That’s a saving of $39 per month.
  • Skype access so you can ping me about your projects

Retainer Packages

I have retainer packages of 5, 10 and 15 hours respectively.  The more hours  you buy the more discount is available, get a quote below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Can I have you working on multiple sites?

Y) Yes you buy a a package of hours not dedicated to any one site.

Q) What if I go over my X hours?

Y) You can buy an additional package or I can bill you on a per hour basis, this is all at the same discounted rate.

Q) Is there a minimum number of months I need to commit to?

A) No, you can take on a one month retainer and end it after your hours are used.

Q) Do I pay up front?

A) Yes it’s like a pre-paid mobile phone contact, you buy X hours and use those until they are done.

Q) Is there a minimum usage?

A) I record time in in 15 minute increments I’ve found that allows you to call down small jobs like a plugin install and not burn through your hours too quickly

Q) Can I roll over hours I don’t use in a month?

A) No they don’t accumulate, but that being said if you go over your X hours and didn’t use all last months I’m not  going to nickel and dime you for an hour here or there.

Q) What about when you are on holiday / vacation?

A) I do take time off, but I will let you know well in advance, and there are other members of my team available to deal with any emergencies that might crop up while I’m away.

Still Interested in A Retainer Package?

If you are interested in a retainer package complete the form below and I’ll prepare a quite for you.

[gravityform id=”90″ name=”Retainer Package” title=”false” description=”false”]

Image of Don Quixote and His Loyal Retainer Sancho Panza  by Picasso

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