
Scheduling Posts To Publish In The Future

As you read this post I’m on holiday (vacation for my American chums) in Spain.  I’m probably on a beach, or taking a boat ride on the glorious Mediterranean sea.  I’ll show you how to Scheduling Posts To Publish In The Future

This post was written on the 19th July, but using a technique built into WordPress,  I can schedule the post to publish in the future (or was it the past because I did this work last week, even Dr Who will get a headache with this).

In this post I want to take you through the process of scheduling posts for future publication.

Setting Publish Date

On the right hand side of the post editor you will see this section


Scheduling Posts To Publish In The Future

Where is says publish immediately, click on edit and you can set the time and date.  Click on the schedule button and your posts will go live on that date and time.

The WordPress cron or scheduler is a little weird, a person needs to visit your site to kick off the schedule checker, so it might not be exactly the time you say, rather when the next visitor hits your site after the date and time set.

Wrap Up – Scheduling Posts To Publish In The Future

Scheduling posts is a great way to keep your content fresh even when you are not available to click publish. anyway I’m off for a glass of sangria, this relaxing ain’t going to get done by itself.

I may be on holiday but I’m still sending out quotes for projects when I get home, get a no obligation quote to fix that annoying WordPress issue now.

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Photo Credit: Winniepix Flickr via Compfight cc

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