
Thanksgiving Sale

It’s that time of the year folks when I have my annual Holiday sale on all WordPress technical support services.

We Don’t Do Thanksgiving

In the UK we don’t celebrate thanksgiving so I always find myself at a loose end over the thanksgiving weekend since the vast majority of my clients are US based.

So each year I run a sale to keep my busy over the non-holiday period.

Here’s The Deal

You can sit back and enjoy the festivities with your family, argue over the turkey, knowing all the while your WordPress site is being repaired or improved AND you can have it all at 20% off the normal price.

The sale runs from today up until next Wednesday 21st so get your requests in now to take advantage of the savings.

Get A Quote

To get a quote go to my WordPress Technical Support page and let me know what help you need, I’ll send you a no obligation quote with 20% off the price.

The Not So Small Print

Sorry this discount only applies to new projects from today, if you have a project in the estimate process already the discount does not apply.

Image by eschipul

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