
Using Gravity Forms to Create Blog Posts

I did a review of Gravity forms the other day, but missed off one of the best features of this tool, and thought an update was required.  Here is my original review https://ibraininc.com/plugin-review-gravityforms

You Can Have Site Visitors Create Blog Posts from Contact Forms!

How cool is that, in the past I have done this type of work in a very convoluted manner by setting up post by email, but all you need to do when you have Gravity Forms is setup a form, and using the special form fields, you can pull together all of the

User Generated Content

If you have a lot of guest posts or for some reason need user generated content, then this may be for you.

How It Works

You setup a contact form as normal, but using the special fields in Gravity form, you add post title, post content categories tags etc (see bottom of this post).

A visitor to you site can now add a blog posts from this form without logginng into your backend dashboard.

Approval Process

Once the post has been added it is held as a draft and then an admin or editor level user needs to approve it before it appears on your site.

Check Out Gravity Forms

If you want user generated content, but don’t want to give users access to you backend dashboard, then check out gravurity forms for this task.

If you found this review useful please use my affiliate link – buy Gravity Forms.

Write A Post

If you feel like writing a guest post for me, please use the form below

[gravityform id=14 title=false description=false]

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