
[Video] Monitoring Banner Ad Performance With Google Analytics

On my site I have a number of banner ads which link to my WordPress technical support page.  I wanted to see if I could measure performance of  these banner ads.

There are a number of plugins out there which will track clicks on ads, but I wanted to use Google analytic s which I use for all of my other monitoring needs.

Here is a quick video posts to show you how to track clicks on your banner ads, be they internal links or off site links to affiliate or other sites.



Google Analytics Plugin

Google Analytics


Here is a copy of the code I used in my sidebars

<a href="https://ibraininc.com/wordpress-technical-support" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'CTA', 'Click', 'Sidebar banner ad']);">
<img src="https://ibraininc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/WPDUDE_techsupp_250x250.png" /></a>

Image by m4tik

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