
A Video Tells A Million Words

If a picture tells a thousand words, then I think a video comes in at well over a million.

Adding video content into your WordPress posts and pages adds huge impact.  We are visual creatures, we take clues from body language to help communication something missing from text only posts.  Information can be tightly packaged into video, something that would require a huge amounts of copy to convey.

Would you like to learn more about adding video into your site?

WordPress Video Training Session

I am running a live training event for my training community the WP Owners Club all about using video with your WordPress site. I’m offering a 14 day free trial of the WP Owners Club so people can join this training at no cost and test drive the other club benefits.

When & Where?

The training will be held as an online webinar on Thursday 1st September at the following times

11am-12pm Pacific, 1pm – 2pm Eastern and 7pm-8pm UK (Please note there is an option to select your local time when you register)

What You Will Learn

I will be teaching the following during the live training session:

  • The benefits of video
  • Type of video you can use
  • Video hosting options
  • Embedding video in WordPress
  • Video analytics
  • Video SEO
  • A Note on mobile devices
  • Demo
  • Q & A

Here’s What You Need To Do Next

If you would like to take me up on my offer, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to wpownersclub.com/sign-up (click on the big orange button at the bottom)
  2. Create your free trial account by creating a Paypal subscription
  3. Go to http://wpownersclub.com/live-events and signup for the webinar.

The trial is no cost, but seats are limited so join up now to reserve your spot.  I hope to “see” you on the call.


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