
2011 Webinars

I’m in planning mode for early next year, and one of the things I am planning to do is run a series of free webinars to teach people how to solve particular problems in WordPress.

If you haven’t been on one of my webinars before, let me explain how they work. A webinar is a live events held over the internet where I can share my computer screen with you and show you how to solve a WordPress problem.

Can I ask you to participate in my survey so I can find the problems people are having with WordPress.

Can you leave your replies as comments on this post answering the following questions.

  1. What free WordPress webinar would you love for me to create JUST for you?
  2. What is your biggest fear or frustration when using WordPress?
  3. What is your ideal, perfect outcome when you return to your site after the webinar?

If your problem is a big sticking point for a number of people I will build that into a webinar.

Thanks in advance for any time you spend on this survey


Neil Matthews

Image by iuniquefx

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