
WordPress Performance Tuning Course

I get called in a lot to help speed up slow loading WordPress sites.  This is important for both user perception and for search engine rankings(Google doesn’t like slow sites).

I thought it would be a good idea to create a video course to show people how to move through the step by step process I use to speed up slow loading sites.

This post is a toe in the water to see if this course is required. If I get enough response I’ll create the course and make it available as a downloadable video course.

What Will I Be Teaching?

I’ll be showing people who sign up my proven method for moving through a WordPress site and speeding up the various layers of a site..

This is what I have done on numerous client sites, I know it works, and I have been able to successfully get sites to run at a much faster speed.

Who Is It For?

This course will be for people who’s WordPress site is running slowly and need it to run more responsively.

This course is also for professionals who want to speed up their clients site.  If you would like to supply this type of service this is for you

It will require a certain level of technical knowledge so this is not for the absolute beginner.

Planned Modules

Here are the seven modules I’m planning on covering:

Performance Tuning Methodology – I will take you through my proven methodology to speed up sites layer by layer

Finding theme bottlenecks – This module takes you through performance tuning your theme.

Finding plugin bottlenecks – plugins often don’t play well together I’ll show you how to troubleshoot your plugins.

Finding WordPress Core & Database bottlenecks – the final layer to test is WordPress itself and the database.

Trouble shooting your hosting account – sometimes cheap hosting is the root of your problem I’ll show you how to check this out

Cache plugins & CDN Usage – in the final module I will show you how to speed up your site with cache plugins and offload content with a CDN

Do You Want To Know More?

If I get enough response I will be inviting a small group of pioneer members to work with me very closely.  I’ll build the course out and make it available as a stand alone product.

Would you be willing to join me for this course.  All I’m asking for right now is your email address, join the list below to let me know the level of interest.

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