
WordPress Security Training

This week I’m running a live training event to teach people how to secure their WordPress site.

Would you like to learn more about hardening the security of your site and keeping hackers at bay?

WordPress and Security

WordPress is NOT inherently insecure, rather it is a victim of it’s own success. There are millions upon millions of WorPress sites, and the hackers are probing the defences of these sites for weaknesses that can be used upon this very large community for their nefarious reasons.

This training will make your site security more robust and less prone to attack.

When Is The Training?

The session is on Thursday 29th September at the following times

  • 11am – 12pm Pacific
  • 2pm-3pm Eastern
  • 7pm-8pm UK Time

What Will I Learn?

You will learn my WordPress security hardening techniques to make your site much more resilient to hack attacks, including

  • Why WordPress is a victim of security attacks
  • WordPress security options
  • Changing defailt table prefix
  • Change default admin name
  • Using security keys
  • SFTP not FTP
  • HTTPS not HTTP
  • Using hard password across your installation
  • Security Plugins
  • Other security services
  • Demo of a site being hardened

How Much Does It Cost

The training is normally only available to members of my WordPress training and support community, but this week I’m offering a 14 day free trial of the WP Owners Club, so you can test drive the club, join the live security training webinar and see all of the other member benefits.

If you like the club, leave your membership as is, if it’s not for you cancel your Paypal subscription before the 14 days are up and there will be nothing to pay.

Test Drive  Today

To test drive the WP Owners Club and join the security training at no cost, click on the button below.  You will be taken to a signup page where you can create a login ID, then go to http://wpownersclub.com/live-events to signup for the live training.

Image byellasdad

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