
WordPress Training: Understanding wp-config.php

I’m running a live training event this week on Thursday called “Understanding wp-config.php”.  If you would like to learn more about this small but powerful configuration file read on.

What Is wp-config.php?

wp-config.php is the configuration file central to WordPress which tells your site how it should behave.

Most of us know that is contains database information, but there are a multitude of other uses such as securing your site, changing domain names, setting debug options the list goes on.

This training is to teach you more about this incredibly useful little text file and how it can help your WordPress site.

When & Where Is The Training

The training is on Thursday 15th September at the following times:

11am-12pm Pacific, 2pm-3pm Eastern and 7pm-8pm UK Time

The session is held online using a webinar format, so you can view the training from the comfort of your own computer, no travel or accommodation costs and limited time away from your day job.

What Will I Learn?

You will come away from the session with a deep understanding of what wp-config can do to your site including:

  • What is wp-config
  • Database settings
  • Language settings
  • Debugging with wp-config
  • Changing domain names
  • Security settings
  • Memory settings
  • Autosave and revisions
  • Other advanced settings
  • Securing wp-config


The session costs $29.00, for that you get access to the live event, and a recording of the event and pdf downloads of all the associated materials and links.

So the choice is yours, join live or get the recording to view at a time convenient to you.

Sign up For The Training

To join the training, click on the link below to go to Paypal IMPORTANT, after paypal has confirmed your payment, you will be redirected to another page to register for the event.

Seats are limited by the webinar software I use so join now to reserve your slot.

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