
Plugin Review: WP Awesome FAQ

I was looking for a frequently asked question (FAQ) plugin so I could display the questions and answers of regularly asked questions people send to me before buying a WordPress support job from us. I looked through a number of FAQ plugins and eventually settled on WP Awesome FAQ.

In this post I’ll tell you why I selected it.

What Is  A FAQ

An FAQ are those questions you find potential customers asking over and over again.

These are obviously questions you have not addressed correctly in your sales copy and are creating objections in your clients mind before they buy your product or service.

Creating a list of frequently asked questions (and of course answers) helps to overcome those potential custom objections and cuts down your customer support time.

What I Needed In An FAQ Plugin

I always approach hunting for a new plugin with a series of requirements in the back of my mind.  I wanted the following:

  • Easily create a series of FAQs on the back-end of WordPress
  • Ability to add new FAQs as they become available after client questions
  • An accordion functions to hide answers people don’t need so people can quickly scan through the questions
  • Short codes to embed the FAQ on sales pages and other pages

WP Awesome FAQ Does All This

As you might be guessing WP Awesome FAQ does all this and a little more, it also has FAQ categories so I can control which FAQs are displayed  and where.


I’m not 100% thrilled with the styling of the drop down content, for example I have some bulleted lists in there and the bullet point is dropped, I’m going to have to spend some time recoding the styling to get it 100% as I need it.

 See It In Action

I’ve got the FAQ plugin installed on my home page, click through and have a look

As you can see the shortcode presents a list of FAQs click on one and it opens up in accordion stylie for you to see the answer to your question.

Here is a screen dump of the back end editor for your FAQs

Click for full size image



Awe – noun – a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder

Can a plugin be really awesome?  Nah, but this fills the functionality hole on my site to perfection.

If you have any questions about our services not covered in our FAQ please ask away and I’ll add them in.

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