
WP Owners Club Re-Opens Soon

My WordPress training program the WP Owners club will be opening it’s doors to new members on March the 17th, and I would like to invite you to a free webinar to explain how my training works.

“WP Owners Club Launch”

Thursday 10th March  11-12am Pacific, 2-3pm Eastern and 7-8pm UK (duration 30-45 mins)

It is no cost but lines are limited.


The session will be recorded, so even if you cannot attend teh live event, signup and I will send you the recording.

What Is The WP Owners Club?

It is a group coaching program designed to teach WordPress site owners more about the backend of their site.

What’s In the Coaching?

The coaching is comprised of six modules which run one per week for six weeks.  Here is a break down of the modules:

Module One – WordPress Overview

In this module I will give you an overview of the WordPress system, a tour of the dashboard and an introduction to the various layers that make up WordPress.

Module Two – Content; Posts, Pages and Comments

Learn all about the main content areas of your site posts, pages and comments, learn how to manage, create and use the tools available to you.

Module Three – Understanding Themes

Learn how to manage the look and feel of your site, learn all about the various types of theme available, how to install and customise your theme.

Module Four – Plugins Masterclass

Plugins allow you to extend the functionality of WordPress, in this module I will teach you how to source, install and manage your plugins.

Module Five – Users and Roles

You can have more than one user maintaining and adding content to your site, learn how to manage and control their access.

Module Six – WordPress Maintenance

There are various maintenance tasks that need to be done to all WordPress sites, learn how to update and keep your site running smoothly.

Who Is The Coaching Aimed At?

This coaching is aimed at people fairly new to WordPress who want to gain a more thorough understanding of how the back end of their sites works.

How Is It Delivered

The coaching is delivered via live weekly webinars where I will present the material and also show you live examples on my test WordPress site.

The sessions will also be recorded and be made available to you to view again in a members only section of my site.  This means that if you miss anything in the live webinar you can review it again in your own time.

Launch Webinar

I’m inviting you to join a free launch webinar where I can show you how to coaching works, how much the course will cost, a look behind the scenes in the members area and a chance to answer any questions you may have on the WP Owners Club.

Join my launch webinar

Thursday 10th March  11-12am Pacific, 2-3pm Eastern and 7-8 UK (duration 30-45 mins)

It is no cost but lines are limited, so reserve your place now  by  clicking on the link below:


The session will be recorded, so even if you cannot attend teh live event, signup and I will send you the recording.

I look forward to seeing you on the webinar.



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