
Your WordPress Core Problem

last week I ran a survey asking what your core problems with WordPress are, if you missed it you can see the original blog post here What Free WordPress Help Do You Need

I would like to personally thank everyone one who took part in the survey, and I am very glad I did the survey.  It has really opened my eyes.  Instead of building the information product I think you would need, I can see the information product you really need.  This has helped me, I was so off track.

Your Responses

I think I know what information you need, but I just want to check in to make sure I am delivering exactly what you need.

The majority of the replies I received were about  the pain of the maintenance process of managing your WordPress blog, plugin updates, core WordPress files updates etc.

A couple of the responses I got will not make it to the information product stage, but will make great how to blog posts, I will be writing those over the next few weeks (thanks for giving me great subjects to write about).  Apologies if I am not delivering what you want, but I want to help as many people as possible.,

Here is what I think You have asked for

Title: The WordPress Maintenance Schedule

Outline: An information product showing you how and when to do the ongoing maintenance tasks for your WordPress site.  This will include upgrading the core WordPress files, plugin updates and maintenance, backups, security checks and theme maintenance.

I will take you through the simplest and fastest ways to do the maintenance including automation procedures so you can concentrate on creating content not maintenance tasks.

Format: PDF and Video Screen Casts

I’m looking forward to building this based upon your feedback , but ONLY  if this is EXACTLY  what you need,

If I spend 2-3 days making this product and it is not what you want and need this I’m going to feel like a total idiot after misjudging your feedback.

Is This What You Want And Need

If this is the information product you want more importantly need, then let me know,  how and why it will help you so I know I am on the right track.  If enough people tell me I am on the right track I will personally send you this product.

If this isn’t what you want, tell me what you would rather have using the form below and I will amend my offering.

Let Me Know

Please let me know using the form below, all feedback is appreciated.

[gravityform id=24 title=false description=false]

image by Urbanwoodchuck

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